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Soya Nuts

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Soya Nuts

Across the world, protein-rich soya nuts are common in vegan and plant-based diets.

What are soya nuts?


While they may look slightly similar to Peanuts, soya nuts are actually not actually nuts at all but rather legumes. These whole, mature soybeans are soaked in water, drained, seasoned and then roasted. They differ from edamame, which is made from immature soybeans.

Are soya nuts high in iron?


They are high in Iron, Zinc, Antioxidants, polyunsaturated fat, fibre, the B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

Are soya nuts fattening?


Too many soy nuts may be fattening, so a one-ounce, 120-calorie snack is recommended. With that said however, the protein found in soya nuts is actually believed to work with dietary fibre and isoflavones, which may benefit fat metabolism & weight loss.

What can I do with soya nuts?


You may wish to consume them straight from the bag, as a tasty snack or use them in place of other nuts for your home-made bakes and salads.